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Smile Design Dentist, Port Alberni, B.C.

Transform the beauty of your smile with our smile design makeover

Home 5 General Dental Services 5 Smile Design in Port Alberni, B.C.

See Your Future Dental Results

With smile design technology, we scan your current teeth and mouth and we can digitally create what your smile will look like when it’s finished it’s treatment plan!


Easy to Book

At Valley Dental, we make it easy to get an appointment by requesting an appointment or contacting us. If you’re in pain, we also offer family emergency dental. Often times we have same day availability.


Most Dental Insurance Accepted

At Valley Dental we accept most extended dental healthcare plans that your average Port Alberni resident might hold. If you don’t have dental healthcare coverage, we are happy to discreetly discuss our flexible payment options we can offer.


Top Dental Planning Technology

At Valley Dental, we know that your smile is your trademark, unique to you.

Smile design is an incredibly advanced dental planning technology that can greatly enhance the aesthetics of your smile and boost your overall confidence.

With the innovative Digital Smile Design (DSD) technology, our dedicated professionals can bring your dream smile to life by tailoring treatment plans to your specific facial structure, teeth colour tone, and personal aesthetic preference.

Who is Smile Design For?

Anyone who desires to transform their smile and have a 3D generated image of their outcome can benefit from our smile design treatments. Whether you feel self-conscious about the look of your teeth, or simply want a more radiant smile, our empathetic team is eager to accompany you on your journey to self-confidence and a captivating smile.


Refine & Achieve The Dental Results You Envision

Smile design offers benefits far beyond improved aesthetics, such as elevated self-esteem and quality of life. Procedures can range from teeth whitening to porcelain veneers and orthodontic treatments. Our use of the DSD technology allows for a personalized, predictive, and interactive approach, ensuring that the end result is exactly what you envisioned.

Did you know that digitial smile design can help you see the outcome of clear aligner braces?

Yes, it’s true! You can see the 3D outcome of a clear aligner brace treatment before even starting your treatments. This is also possible for other treatments as well.

Questions & Answers About Digital Smile Design

If you have more questions about smile design, you can always contact us

What is smile design?

Smile design is a tailor-made treatment plan for enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. With the DSD technology, it’s like your dentist is a skilled sculptor and your smile, the masterpiece!

Who can benefit from smile design?

If you’re looking to enhance your smile’s aesthetics, then smile design is for you. Your radiant smile could outshine the sun!

What procedures can be part of a smile design?

Anything from teeth whitening to veneers and orthodontic treatments. We’ve got more tools than a hardware store to create your perfect smile!

Is smile design permanent?

With good oral care, the effects of smile design can last many years. It’s like a makeover for your mouth that stands the test of time!

Does smile design hurt?

We take all measures to ensure a comfortable and pain-free experience. It’s less “ouch!” and more “wow!”.

Can I preview how my smile will look after treatment?

With the DSD technology, we offer a digital preview of your transformed smile. It’s like getting a sneak peek of your future radiant smile!

Are there any risks with smile design?

There are potential risks with any dental procedure, but we do everything we can to minimize them. Our care is as steadfast as a lighthouse in a storm!

Hear From
Our Patients


I’ve had a lot of dental anxiety my entire life and recently decided to try changing dental offices. I am so happy I chose Valley Dental!

Dr. McCracken is so kind, funny and gentle. I was not shamed in any way for not coming in soon enough. The front desk staff and all the dental assistants are also so kind. It’s such a nice, calming atmosphere. I am no longer scared to go to the dentist! Thank you!

– Monika

Let’s Get Started on Your Smile Design Journey!


Are you ready to embark on the journey towards the smile of your dreams?

Let Valley Dental be your trusted companion. With our innovative DSD technology, we can create a smile that’s perfectly tailored for you.

From minor enhancements to total transformations, we’re here to design a smile that not only looks beautiful but feels great too. Schedule your smile design consultation with us today!